Hello. I am a smart phone – a phenomenal mobile, created, chosen and then put to my master’s ear where he can hear my voice and I can hear his – provided the battery is charged, and the reception is clear.


I I have been around for a few years now. These days it’s possible to very soon feel obsolete and irrelevant. But I am still here, and still relevant. There is life in the old phone yet! And I can become even more Smart and up-to-date by uploading today’s data for tomorrow’s encounters. These younger models, these Samsungs, Apples, Nokias and the rest hosting the latest 5G techno, get on my buttons. I mean, 4G is perfect … right? Why go beyond that which has already been done, is already perfect and has achieved all that is needed. Keep it simple!

But my real pleasure is not just communicating by speaking and listening – my passion is making videos.  It’s my talent.  I use it well.  I encourage others to follow my example – I encourage my friends to make videos.

I am a smart mobile that makes videos. But my real pleasure is not just communicating by speaking and listening – my passion is making videos.  It’s my talent.  I use it well.  I encourage others to follow my example – I encourage my friends to make videos.  I am a smart mobile that makes videos.  

And my flock of friends and I, we have found a unique app in which to use our technology to the max.  It’s our favourite app – Flock Video With Friends – on to which we each download to the app our own video film recordings of personal memories of an occasion we have shared.  A Smart Video Editor from the group of friends is elected so that when the button is pressed the app automatically edits these best clips to portray the message of the event and produce one video to be shared with the Flock group either on individual mobiles or over social media.  So simple!  And free of charge. Flock Video With Friends needs me – and Flock Video with Friends fulfils my purpose too.  Together we are a mighty force to be reckoned with.  We make good news and great memories.

Through Flock Video With Friends, I am even more Smart – just by being a part.