Cloud life. It’s the way forward, at least until something more innovative comes along….


But.. for the moment this is the best you can get – even though already a new improved version is on the drawing board.
I facilitate the cloud – neither I-Cloud, nor a grey rain cloud, but a beautiful high-flying cloud. It touches heaven as it simultaneously touches earth, inviting you to be in the cloud with me whilst you invite me to be on earth with you. We are linked. We are individual – but we come together as one. We make video. We make life-time memories for all time.

‘So? What’s new?’ you ask.

‘The concept’, I reply.

Anyone can make videos – provided they’ve got a smartphone or camera device. Anyone can download and upload and share their videos and photos on social media – and then be up-smarted by their mates loading their shots of the same event on their page. Time-consuming. Disorientated, Mixed up. Fragmented because of the multiple shots loaded on to multiple pages on social media sites.

Here lies the concept – the reality is realised! When you and your mates have had a fab time at a fab event such as a birthday celebration, a wedding or a holiday, you can now all collaborate in the making of just one video recording of all the fab memories of the fab event that you have all shared. Each of you incorporates the best video and photo memories you personally have captured. All you have to do is download your best video and photo memories of the occasion to the app, Flock Video With Friends. Flock Video With Friends can be found through either Apple Store or Google Play. 


Once you have downloaded your video clip and photos, the app does it all. I am the app’s video editor of last night’s special event at the football club. As video editor I click on the icon and, abracadabra hallelujah, everybody’s video clips and photos scramble into sequential order and the first edit is produced by the app. You can then approve or tweek the content before the final edit is agreed. Background music is added. Your shared even is now able to be seen through many personal perspectives in one high quality video for all to enjoy as it is posted on social media or to your personal mobile or tablet.

It’s simple. It’s unique. It’s free. All your and your friends’ happy memories are captured to be relived through, Flock Video With Friends.